Terms and Conditions
1 - Hire Period
Outfits will be made available for collection at the very latest on the day prior to use and in most cases at the time of fitting as confirmed by Oxford House.
They are due for return before close of business the day after use. Saturday suit hires are due back by 12:00 pm (mid-day) the Monday immediately following use.
Requests for alternative arrangements must be discussed and agreed at the time of order
2 - Bookings
Bookings are only secured by a non-returnable deposit of 50% per outfit payable on or before the first fitting. A balancing payment representing the full hire cost(s)
is required at the very latest the day that the outfits are collected.
3 - Liability
3.1 The hirer alone accepts full responsibility for the safe return of all hired outfits.
(For the avoidance of doubt the “hirer” is the person who has paid for the hire of the garments and is therefore deemed to have placed the order)
3.2 In the event of any hired items being damaged stolen or lost, Oxford House reserves the right to invoice the hirer at the full retail price for
such items which are not returned or which are damaged. The hirer will also be responsible for the cost of specialist dry cleaning necessary due to staining or soiling of
any hire outfits and an ‘Out of service’ charge may also be applied in such circumstances.
3.3 Accidental damage to the outfits is waived subject only to the hirer taking out the ‘Accidental damage waiver’ option as outlined in condition 4.
3.4 Oxford House liability in any event is strictly limited to the value of the cost of hire paid by the customer in respect of each individual item or suit of items.
4- Accidental Damage Waiver (optional)
Subject to an election and payment by the hirer as detailed on the ‘Hire Contract’ facing sheet overleaf,
their liability for any accidental damage to the hired outfits (excluding top hats) is waived by Oxford House.
For the purpose of clarification this Accidental Damage waiver does not extend to malicious damage, loss or theft
which remain the responsibility of the hirer.
5 Collections
5.1 An appropriate collection date and appointment time will be provided by Oxford House at the time of fitting. For the convenience of all,
it is required that outfits are collected as close as is reasonably possible to this time
5.2 Items must be collected by the hirer or an elected representative whose identity has been previously advised to Oxford House by the hirer.
6 Fittings
6.1 It is required that all outfits are tried on the evening they are collected. In the unlikely event of an ill- fitting garment this must be reported to Oxford House by 10:00am the next day.
6.2 Under no circumstances will Oxford House be liable for ill-fitting garments supplied when a fitting has not taken place, or that could have been avoided by complying with condition 6.1
6.3 Claims for incorrect supply will not be entertained after the wear date
7 - Returns
It is in the best interest of our customers that we request that time is allowed to check the returns of hired goods so that proper inspection may be made for loss,
damage or any chargeable staining resulting from the hire period. It is preferable that such things should be agreed with the hirer or their representative at the time of return
Late returns not complying with condition 1 will incur an excess charge of £5 per day, or part thereof, per outfit, beginning immediately the hire expiry date and
corresponding return time has elapsed
8 - Cancellations
8.1 If an order is cancelled four weeks or more prior to the date of hire, then a full refund will be made on those cancelled items.
8.2 If a cancellation is made 14 to 27 days prior to the date of hire a 50% refund will be given Cancellation less than 14 days prior to the hire date will not be eligible for any refund.
8.3 All cancellations, whether in whole or part, must be made in person by the hirer. A cancellation number will be provided by Oxford House at that time,
and should be retained as evidence of a cancellation having been made.
9 - Statutory rights
It is not the intention of Oxford House to infringe the statutory rights and remedies of customers in any way and at any time.
In the event of a conflict between our terms and conditions and British Law, then British Law will take precedence.
10 Privacy policy
Oxford House does not disclose customer information to third parties .All information collected is gathered lawfully and in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 .The information collected will only be used to process your current order subject only to your agreement otherwise.